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What flowers should I plant for seedlings in February?

Updated: Feb 10

Breeders tempt us with new varieties of petunias every year, but only ampelous and fringed varieties need to be sown early. Annual seeds are very small - it is convenient to buy granulated ones. They germinate in the light under glass; just moisten the soil with water from a spray bottle and carefully pierce the shell of the granule with a toothpick. After 3-4 leaves appear, the sprouts are pinched, the ampelous varieties bush well on their own. 

There is never enough blue in the garden. Time to sow lobelia: wait four to five months for it to bloom. To spread the small seed more evenly on the substrate, it is mixed with sand. Without sealing, cover with film or glass. Tiny seedlings, when they grow a little, are pricked with a toothpick. They are planted in groups in separate containers - it is unlikely that it will be possible to separate lobelia one specimen at a time.  A summer in the country without sparkling or bright red salvia, consider it lived in vain. An unpretentious crop is often underestimated by gardeners. Its only drawback is not to forget that the time for planting flowers for seedlings is in February. Then scarlet brushes delight from mid-summer until frost. 

Although it is better to propagate lavender by cuttings, in order to obtain species diversity, it can be grown as seedlings. The seed requires stratification: the moistened seeds are kept in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator for a month and a half. The seedlings will bloom in the second year. There is no garden without aquilegia - the perennial catchment blooms early, sows well, and grows in clumps. But for germination, seeds need stratification.

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